How To Be Good For Santa, Inc.’s children’s educational materials are built around social and emotional learning (SEL) and Values Education.

How To Be Good For Santa, Inc.’s children’s educational materials help build life skills and self worth.
How to be good for Santa, Inc. specializes in children’s educational and play therapy materials.
Our children’s flashcards, behavior coaching picture books, behavior education coloring and doodling activity books, gold star reward stickers, and other children’s educational materials and play therapy supplies are positive reinforcement behavioral coaching tools that help guardians coach manners, social etiquette, good citizenship, anti-bullying, relationship skills, responsible decision making, conflict resolution, goal planning and behavior tracking, handling emergency situations, and other life lessons.
Messaging is designed to educate children to be good for goodness sake, not because Santa or anyone else is watching or because presents are expected, to treat others as you want to be treated and just because others act badly is not a reason to act naughty in return.
Our play therapy materials result in children (and guardians) strengthening and expanding proper social behavior in self, family, academic, recreational, community, and public settings.
The children’s educational and play therapy materials are easy to use educational products that are perfect for parents, step-parents, grandparents, teachers, counselors, therapists, social workers, day care centers, nannies, baby sitters, and all other guardians. The products are portable and simple to use so they can be used on the go or as bridging tools to help ensure your children are receiving positive reinforcement while in the care of other guardians.
Using our fun interactive children’s educational and play therapy materials help set expectations and establish routines. Both children and guardians enjoy and appreciate our easy to understand products that make learning fun via wonderfully illustrated characters and expertly authored materials.
The flashcards are the foundation of the education, the goal planning and behavior tracking worksheets, gold star reward stickers, activity books, picture books, and other products help with learning and retention. Using multiple methods with consistent messaging keeps children engaged and having fun while learning.
Our How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. Kit makes it fast and easy to have all the initial products needed to successfully coach your children for over 65 behaviors. When ordering the kit the individual products are discounted 50% from the already reasonable price of only $14.95 per product! Improving your children’s life skills so they live a happier and higher quality of life is priceless.
In addition to How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. children’s flashcards and other educational materials are top tier – so we do not mind sharing other great resources we feel would help strengthen your children’s social and responsible decision-making skills. After all – it is helping children build social and other life skills that is the most important thing!
- Flashcard Machine https://www.flashcardmachine.com/good-mannersetiquette.html lets you create your own flashcards. It doesn’t have the wonderful graphics How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. does – but if you email us wonderful flashcard examples that adhere to our top tier behavior specialist quality … we would consider designing flashcards with our amazing illustrators and behavior specialists authors!
- Play Therapy Toys www.Playtherapysupply.com With over 2,300 products, they continually grow while maintaining excellent customer service and reasonable prices. They offer books, games, art supplies, sensory items, and toys as well.
- Childswork Childsplay https://childswork.com Childswork/Childsplay is a leading publisher of counseling, therapeutic, and educational products for mental health and special education professionals, counselors, and psychotherapists. The full product line includes games, books, and multimedia tools. Childswork.com is also a leading internet source for child and play therapy products.
- Fun and Function https://funandfunction.com Everything they make is kid-friendly, affordable, and most importantly, makes a real developmental and therapeutic difference in the lives of children.
- Creative Social Worker www.creativesocialworker.com The Creative Social Worker and Kristina Marcelli Sargent, of the Art of Social Work, are two child and adolescent therapists who have come together where creative expression and social emotional well-being intersect to provide a space for social workers and therapists to share useful and engaging ideas and resources.
- Social Skills Central http://socialskillscentral.com Tools that teach lifelong social skills. Social Skills Central is published by Guidance Group Digital LLC, a division of The Guidance Group.The Guidance Group is a publishing company that specializes in hands-on materials for character education, life skills, school success and mental health.
- eeboo www.eeboo.com is a boutique toy manufacturer that specializes in educational games and gifts. We like eeboo’s flashcards and other materials, their products where part of How To Be Good For Santa, Inc.’s inspiration to move forward with our own manners, good citizenship, social skills and other life skills flashcards because if they are doing well we knew our flashcard versions that also have exact words and actions to use could also be successful; especially since our flashcards are watercolor, our flashcards also include “helpful tips” and “roll playing questions” and instead of mostly pigs and a few other standard animal characters our flashcards cover significantly more animal characters while using alliteration for most behaviors. In addition How To Be Good For Santa, Inc, flashcards work seamlessly with our Goal Planning & Behavior Tracking Worksheets, activity books, picture books, and custom gold star reward stickers for over 65+ behaviors. With all this being said – eeboo was an inspiration to use and you can’t go wrong with to many behavior flashcards… so we recommend purchasing eeboo’s flash cards in addition to ours.
- Quizlet https://quizlet.com/109516395/adverbs-of-manner-flash-cards/ is a student and teacher online learning community. They state they have 20 million monthly learners and 2+ billion study sessions. I believe them. They seem like a terrific site and I would check them out if I where the reader of this How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. educational resource internet directory overview.
- Teachers Pay Teachers https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/About-Us is a community of educators who share their work, insights, and inspiration with one another. This site helps educators not have to recreate the wheel for all lessons plans – many times amazing lesson plans are available via this site. In addition, if you create an amazing lesson plan or materials you can share it with the tremendous number of other educators via this site. How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. likes this kind of crowdsourcing educational materials solution.
- StudyBlue https://www.studyblue.com/online-flashcards has a tremendous types of flashcards for older students and adults; including: Arts & Literature flashcards, Business flashcards, Social Studies flashcards, Test Prep flashcards, Language & Vocabulary flashcards, Math & Science flashcards, Medical flashcards, Professional flashcards, and General flashcards. So if you are seeking professional text only flashcards for higher education… this site is worth checking out. You can drill down to specific subjects in all these categories mentioned.
- Playrific http://www.playrific.com/m/1643/flashcards-for-children-good-manners is an online resource for kids. Many children like video and mobile Apps – which Playrific has organized well. It’s worth a try in our minds… as Playrific states “kids vote with their fingers” so if your child is going to be online learning and having fun… you might as well try and get them using educational videos and Apps. Playrific does have meaningful communities and fully protects young consumers.
- National Autism Resources https://www.nationalautismresources.com/mind-your-manners-language-cards/ provides manners and other flashcards and therapy supplies. They are a global leader in providing therapeutic tools that meet the needs of people on the autism spectrum. They are solely focused on the needs of the autism community and provide a wide selection of evidence based products. How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. flashcards are for gifted children, average children, and children with high level autism. If your child has severe autism we recommend you start with National Autism Resources flashcards and as your child progresses step them up to How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. materials.
- Rainbow Resource Center https://www.rainbowresource.com/proddtl.php?id=033147 is a re-seller for learning tools for homes & schools. They do have a great selection of children’s educational materials, provide low year-round pricing, free consulting, and homeschooling experience and success.
- ESL Kid Stuff https://www.eslkidstuff.com/flashcards.htm provides a wide range of pictures and words for over 1,500 flashcards in more than 70 categories for ESL kids teachers. They are a group of English teachers who provide a library of lesson plans, flashcards, worksheets, craft sheets, songs, and classroom reading materials. They also like sharing teaching tips, games, holiday activities, and more. They are out of Portugal, but their site is well done. Their flashcards are mostly for younger or English as a second language users.
- WINGS for kids http://www.wingsforkids.org/mission provides Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) to equip at-risk kids with the social and emotional skills to succeed in school, stay in school, and thrive in life. How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. believes their “Afterschool Programming genuinely helps all stakeholders – especially the children.
- The Berenstain Bears www.berenstainbears.com has wonderful materials that coach behavior education for children. The Berenstain bears started with Stan Melvin Berenstain and Jan (Janice) Marian Grant 55+ years ago. They started an empire that Mike (their son) continued. They are wonderfully fun products that resonate with children and therefore recommended by How To Be Good For Santa, Inc.
The above are a few of the children’s educational resources we researched and believe genuinely want to help children build life skills and self worth. Go ahead and try them, and kindly let us know how happy you where with them. In addition, kindly inform us of any other children’s educational resources you feel we should list on our website!
Thank you for your time and please share How To Be Good For Santa, Inc.’s products and resources with any guardian that genuinely cares about helping children.
Jordan Weiner/Co-Founder of How To Be Good For Santa, Inc. (and owner of Internet Consulting, Inc. www.internetconsultinginc.com).