09th Mar, 2020

How Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Helps Your Students
Social and emotional learning, or SEL, is a groundbreaking process that has shifted how educators think about a child’s skills. Instead of focusing purely on a child’s cognitive skills, educators and development experts are now acknowledging social and emotional skills as well. SEL can teach self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. These processes directly relate to positive behaviors, good character traits, and how to make the right decisions.
If you are considering introducing social and emotional learning to your students, here are some of SEL’s proven benefits:
Long-Lasting Behavioral Changes
One of the main advantages of social and emotional learning (SEL) is a real change in childhood behaviors. Social and emotional learning (SEL) teaches students how to integrate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a positive way. It shows students how to accept their feelings, understand them, and make good decisions based on skills such as self-management. It is a long-term process that can permanently change the way a student handles his or her emotions.
A consistent social and emotional learning (SEL) program from an early age can cultivate important changes in character. SEL can teach students optimism, determination, goal-orientation, self-awareness, and many other traits that can see them through their entire lives. At a young age, SEL can help prevent bad behaviors and teach important lessons such as empathy, social skills, and how to apologize. As the student gets older, lessons from social and emotional learning can help the individual succeed in school and in life.
Success in School
Social and emotional learning teaches students how to apply the correct knowledge, skills, and attitudes to their lives. Research shows that SEL improves a child’s academic performance by an average of 11 percentile points. Improved success in school using social and emotional learning can happen for a variety of reasons:
- The ability to make smarter choices
- Greater likelihood of avoiding substance use
- Reduced odds of engaging in unsafe sexual behaviors
- Improved classroom behavior
- Fewer classroom disruptions
- Lower risk of bullying
- The ability to manage stress in a healthy way
- Prevention of anxiety and depression
- Better attitudes about themselves and others
- Stronger social abilities
Social and emotional learning has the power to make a real impact on a student’s academic life. A 2017 study of over 100,000 students around the globe found that the positive academic impact of SEL continued up to 18 years later. Students with a foundation in social and emotional learning are more likely to apply for colleges, complete their educations, and move on to successful careers.
Social Skills and Confidence
Social and emotional learning prepares a child for real life. SEL fosters important skills and characteristics such as confidence, self-esteem, and optimism from an early age. These are traits that can serve students well far into the future. In today’s social world, knowing how to empathize with others, appreciate diversity, show respect, communicate effectively, and maintain and build healthy relationships is vital. Social and emotional learning teaches all of these skills and more.
A child with strong social skills is more likely to seize opportunities in life. Someone without social capabilities may close a door on an opportunity without even realizing it was there. A child with benefits from social and emotional learning, however, will know how to recognize opportunities for personal or professional growth. Social people are statistically more likely to achieve great things in their careers and lives. Give your students the best odds of success by utilizing SEL tactics at your school or organization.
Positive Life Outcomes
SEL is a strong school of thought with major long-term positive outcomes on children around the globe. Kids raised an atmosphere of social and emotional learning have decreased risks of homelessness, public housing, public assistance, arrests, criminal activity, substance abuse, and sexual promiscuity than children without social and emotional learning. This is a fact an American Public Health Association study supports. Statistically, a significant connection exists between social and emotional learning programs beginning in kindergarten and key outcomes for young adults later in life.
Introduce Social and Emotional Learning at Your School
Surveys among school leaders and principals find that most believe in the benefits of social and emotional learning, but want more guidance, training, and support. If you want training or resources for teachers on social and emotional learning, use Children’s Behavior Education. We offer custom products such as How To Be Good Behavioral Learning Kit with Polly the Parrot, which includes How To Be Good Behavior Education Sticker Book 1, (that has SEL gold star reward stickers) and flashcard sets to teach good behaviors using the SEL process. www.ChildrensBehaviorEducation.com can help your classroom receive easy to use fun social and emotional learning tools designed by behavior therapists and top educators of children.

How To Be Good Flashcards Set 1

How To Be Good Flashcards Set 2

How To Be Good Behavior Education Sticker Book 1

How To Be Good Kit (Polly the Parrot Edition)
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